Homework 23.05.14

We all enjoyed making pizzas.   Spellings: Mrs Newton’s group: that, he, was, for, on, are Mrs. Savage’s group: football, playground, farmyard, bedroom, birthday Mrs. Dowling’s group: football, playground, farmyard, bedroom, staffroom, birthday, cupboard Over the holiday: Please read every day and talk about your book. Keep working on your number bonds and tables. Can […]

Homework 16.5.14

Hello Oak Class, I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy playing outside in the sunshine. Remember you can always practice your skipping for Maypole dancing. Spellings this week:- Mrs Dowling’s group: better, under, summer, winter, sister, faster, longer, heavier Mrs. Savage’s group: better, under, summer, winter, sister, faster Mrs. Newton’s group: to, […]

Homework 9.5.14

Hello Oak class, Thank you for all working hard this week. Spellings: Mrs. Dowling’s group: looked, talked worked, called, crashed, crunched, where Mrs. Savage’s group: looked, jumped, called, pushed, pulled, where Mrs. Newton’s group: my, all, said, this, that This week I would like you to write a sentence for each of the words. Can […]

Homework 2. 5. 14

Hello everyone, another very busy week for all of us. You have produced some great work. Homework: Mrs. Dowling’s group: looking, running, walking, jumping, climbing, pushing, pulling Mrs. Savage’s group: looking, jumping, running, talking, walking Mrs. Newton’s group: the, and, when, went, there This week we have been working on addition. You have a sheet […]

Homework 21.3.14

Hi Oak class, Thank you all for such a great Barnaby Bear day. You were all really good and worked hard. What a busy week we had with our visit seeing the hedgehog and fox cubs and then all that running yesterday. Homework this week: Spellings: Mrs. Savage’s group: here, there, where, you, your, Mrs. […]

Homework 14.3.14

Hello everyone, Here is the new homework for this week. Spellings this week; Mrs. Savage’s group:  ear, hear, near, dear, clear, Thursday Mrs. Dowling’s group: sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty Write a book review of one of your favourite books. Tell us why you like the book. Maths: Ordering numbers worksheet.

Homework 14.2.14

Hello everybody, Another busy week, you have worked hard and are ready for your well deserved holiday. Have a great time and enjoy yourself. Please make sure that you all spend some time reading. Spellings: Mrs. Savage’s group:  goat, boat, coat, throat, goal, Monday Mrs. Dowling’s group: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight […]

Homework 7.2.14

Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who worked so hard designing a mascot last week. I enjoyed looking at them all. Lots of you had brilliant ideas. When writing your sentences make sure you remember your punctuation! Capital letters and full stops! Mrs. Savage’s spelling group: are, were, was, be he, she Mrs. […]